

Surety Bonds and P3 Projects: A Colorado Case Study Think of the growing infrastructure projects across American cities. These developments are at times so costly that taxpayer money alone cannot fund them. That’s ...
How to Protect Yourself from Fall-Related Injuries Falling from an elevated position, such as the truck, a ladder, or even an open service pit, can lead to serious injuries and fatalities. Read the information ...
Why You Should Make Road Tests Part of the Hiring Process One of the most important responsibilities a motor carrier has is to hire qualified drivers. This critical task, if conducted haphazardly or not performed at all, ...
What You Need to Know When Uncoupling a Trailer Working around the truck can be just as dangerous to a driver as getting involved in a crash. One daily task a driver performs is uncoupling the trailer. This ...
It's Time to Discuss Summer Driving Hazards Summer is here, and a new set of driving hazards is sure to raise a driver’s stress level as fast as the temperature gets warmer. Operations personnel are likely ...
Prevent Cargo Theft Over the Holiday Motor carriers should be mindful of the increased risk of theft as the holiday approaches. Fewer employees around the facility and warehouses and trailers ...
What Can You Do to Prevent Distracted Driving? Distracted driving is any activity (including fatigue and illness) that diverts your attention away from driving. Drivers must devote their full attention to ...
2019 Trench Safety Stand Down The week of June 17th is Trench Safety Stand Down. The goal of Trench Safety Stand Down is to raise awareness of the dangers of, and to reduce the number of ...
Wearable Technology and Smart Equipment in Risk Management As devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers become more mainstream, wearable technology continues to evolve from the novelty to the commonplace. ...
Preventing Crashes from Outside the Truck There is nothing worse for a motor carrier than receiving a call that one of its drivers has been involved in a crash. Everything stops as you react to the ...

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