

3 Easy Tips to Stay Healthy As Benjamin Franklin once said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The following tips can help you stay proactive about preventative health and ...
Understanding the Risks of Obesity Obesity and being overweight are two common health risks facing truck drivers. Obesity means having too much body fat, while a person can be overweight due to too ...
Combatting Substance Abuse Substance abuse involves more than taking illegal drugs. It also includes misusing alcohol, prescription medications, and other legal substances if too much is ...
Flu Awareness Influenza, or flu, is a respiratory illness that results from a viral infection; it is highly contagious and spreads through respiratory droplets. A person can ...
Cold Weather Ailments Cold weather can increase a person’s risk of contracting a virus, such as influenza, which can weaken your immune system and make it more difficult for your body ...
Employee Health & Workers' Compensation: What the Research Reveals The impact of workers’ compensation accidents and claims on employers can be profound. Employees’ health and well-being are at risk, as are the organization’s ...
Choosing the Correct Personal Protective Equipment for the Job If a hazard cannot be removed or reduced to a point it can be considered an acceptable risk, personal protective equipment (PPE) can be used to provide an extra ...
Preventing Road Rage Road rage is a criminal offense that can result in jail time. Road rage occurs when one driver commits an act of violence against another road user, such as a ...
Managing Stress Stress can manifest itself in many ways and negatively affect your mood, body, and behavior. Read the information below about the symptoms of stress to see if any ...
Exercise Persons who sit for long periods of time, lead sedentary lifestyles, or work in high-stress environments are prone to many serious health problems, such as Type 2 ...

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